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AA International Trading Sets Up Shop in Miami

AA International Trading (AAIT), Miami, Fla., has announced it will be distributing its system scaffold products to scaffold rental organizations across North America. New to the North American scaffold supply market, AAIT has been distributing scaffolding products to South American oil refineries and petrochemical plants for years.  In 2013, company executives started taking notice of the rejuvenated demand for scaffolding products in North American markets and began gearing up the organization’s procurement schedule to meet it.

"AAIT is excited to be a key element in helping North American rental companies increase their inventories and grow their businesses," said Eduard Castillo, president and CEO.  "We feel confident that an influx of premium quality scaffolding equipment will increase availability and promote competitiveness within the scaffold supply industry.  As a result, we expect to see scaffold service and rental companies benefit tremendously."

AAIT scaffolding products are manufactured by Technocraft Industries, Ltd.  Technocraft products are used by some of the leading scaffold and industrial service organizations in North America.


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