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Aspen Equipment Announces New Hires | Construction News

Aspen Equipment Co. has hired Jeremy Angell as a project manager and Stephen Graham as a CAD mechanical designer; both will work from the company's Bloomington, Minn. location.

Angell has 14 years of management experience and was most recently employed by Micro Center. In his new role at Aspen Equipment, Angell is tasked with strengthening the project management department.

Graham’s certifications include CSWP-Core and CSWP-Weldment in SolidWorks. Previously, Graham was employed by Industrial Design Fabrication and Installation Inc. In his new role Graham will offer customers vocational vehicles considering weight, materials, and efficient design.

Vice President of sales operations Todd Foster comments, “We are building a well-rounded team at Aspen that takes advantage of each individual’s invaluable experience in the industry and combines that with innovative ideas. I sincerely believe this approach will provide our customers with the best possible solutions to their needs and consequently continue to position Aspen Equipment as a leader in the custom truck equipment industry.”


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