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CIC Plans Lift Director and Lift Planner Certifications | Construction News

More than 15 Training Specialists for Crane Institute of America recently met at Crane Institute’s headquarters for Annual In-Service Training in order to provide the best possible customer experience.

All Training Specialists are certified and qualified through Crane Institute of America. The training session includes refreshers on the latest equipment and changes to regulations.

The training meeting included a conference call with Crane Institute Certification’s (CIC) Executive Director, Debbie Dickinson, to learn more about OSHA’s proposed delay of crane operator certification requirements. CIC submitted viable solutions to OSHA with the intent to satisfy the agency’s concerns over employer responsibility to qualify workers. Subsequently, an industry coalition, including CIC, was formed to represent the interests of the crane industry.

In other news, Dickinson reported three states have or will adopt language requiring certification or licensing by crane type and size. These include California, Washington, and New York. Finally, she announced the launch of two new CIC certifications; Service Mechanics Truck and Lift Director.

New Programs and Resources
Crane Institute of America announced to its Training Specialists new programs currently in development. Two new training courses for people involved in crane management are set to be released in Fall 2014. The new Lift Director and Lift Planner courses are designed to prepare students for the CIC Lift Director Certification Exams. In addition, look for a course for Assembly/Disassembly Director in 2015.

Also new is a metric version of the handbook, Rigging, available for purchase on Crane Institute’s online store this September.

Crane Institute now has a public LinkedIn group, called Crane and Rigging, for those in the industry with related questions. Crane Institute Training Specialists offer a credible source for answering questions on crane and rigging matters.


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