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Equipment Training Solutions to Introduce New Signalperson Training Programs

Equipment Training Solutions (ETS), Stratford, N.J., will release several new versions of its Signalperson Training Program in January. The new versions are a Spanish version of the current OSHA program, a new North Carolina version dealing specifically with the new 13 NCAC 07F.0900, and a Spanish version of the North Carolina version.

ETS developed the Signal Person Training Program specifically dealing with the requirements of 13 NCAC 07F. 0900 in order to provide contractors with the material necessary to comply with North Carolina regulations pertaining to a signal person.

The North Carolina crane standard became effective on Oct. 1, 2009. In North Carolina, the signal person must be trained and tested in the areas of hand signals, voice signals, and crane operating characteristics and limitations prior to signaling a crane. There are also many differences pertaining to signal person responsibilities when lifting personnel and when working near power lines. All of the differences between OSHA 1926.550 and 13 NCAC 07F.0900 that pertain to a signal person are covered in the new version, according to Equipment Training Solutions’ Larry DeMark Sr.

The new Spanish versions were requested by many contractors, and translations were completed and are now being proofed for accuracy, DeMark said. Translations of the Training Program, the Instructor Guide, and the Student Guide will be available after the first of the year. Both the current version using 1926.550 and the new version using 13 NCAC 07F 0900 were translated.

“Many times in the construction industry the person assigned to perform basic rigging and the person assigned to signal a crane are one and the same—especially when lifting loads from the ground or a truck to be placed in or atop a building,” said DeMark. “Many contractors will be requiring their site personnel to be trained and tested as both a signal person and a rigger, at least a basic rigger. ETS recognizes this need and will shortly be providing rigger training material.”

The CCO has recognized this trend and is currently providing separate certifications for the signal person and the rigger. ETS will make sure that any changes to the federal or state regulations are addressed in its training material.

In addition to the January releases, the company plans to complete development of its new Rigger Training Program in February.


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