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MLE Offers Bump Protection for Lifts

Man & Material Lift Engineering, Cudahy, Wis., now offers a three-way safety sensored bump protection system for scissor lifts and other lifting equipment. The system is designed to protect equipment from damage and prevent operator injuries.

The sensors are located on the top and outer sides of the top rail of the scissor lift, the outer and under sides of the lower rail, and the outer side of the back rails. The continuous membrane sensors stop the machine when contact with an object occurs. The manual override push-button switch is used to back away from the contacted object.

This option is currently being used on extension decks for GE, which will allow operators to extend extension decks as close to walls and objects as they need to, without damaging the equipment. The system could also be used in hazardous environment and clean room applications on booms as well, according to Sarah Fronczak, sales engineer for MLE.

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