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Southeastern Equip. Promotes Watton, Gourley to Vice President | Construction News

Southeastern Equipment Co. Inc., Cambridge, Ohio, has promoted Heath Watton and Mickey Gourley to the position of vice president.

Watton and Gourley will now oversee the daily operations of all Southeastern Equipment locations.

“I am looking forward to seeing the contributions that Heath and Mickey will make in their new roles,” said Charlie Patterson, president of Southeastern Equipment. “Both are veterans of the company and will be charged with enhancing and growing our equipment sales efforts as well as improving our product support capabilities. We look forward totheir continued growth and leadership involvement with Southeastern.”

Gourley's 18 years of sales and customer-service experience began when he joined Southeastern Equipment in 1998 as an outside salesman after earning a bachelor's degree in business from Muskingum University. He quickly moved into increasing levels of management and responsibility, most recently serving as general manager.

Watton's 12-year career with the company began in 2003, when he was hired as a salesman. His experience and knowledge of equipment manufacturing helped him rise to regional manager for Southeast Ohio. Watton's promotion capitalizes on his unique understanding of operations in order to expand the company’s reach. He holds a bachelor's degree in biology from Muskingum University.

As part of their new responsibilities, Gourley and Watton will visit each company location in coming months to refine intracompany communications in order to provide continuity and coordination among all of the branches.


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