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Specialized Products Co. Introduces QuadLink Four-Station Battery Charger

Specialized Products Co. (SPC), Southlake, Texas, has released the QuadLink, which turns any 6V or 12V DC battery charger into a four-station maintenance charger that automatically splits and distributes the charger’s capabilities into 10-minute sequencing charge segments.

Depending on the charger’s capability, QuadLink can distribute charges simultaneously to up to four AGM, gel-cell, VRLA-inducing or deep cycle for marine, standard automobile, and truck batteries. The four-way switcher can charge batteries that are individually connected or connected as a group in a 24V, 36V or 48V series.

The QuadLink, which lists at $99.95, is currently available at www.specialized.net and through PulseTech distributors and dealers.


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