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Tandemloc Develops Forklift-Mounted Lifting Device | Construction News

Tandemloc has developed a forklift-mounted telescopic lift beam and spreader bar combination. The idea came from the company's shop foreman who needed a better way to move projects in progress from one station to the next, as well as to and from the warehouse and delivery docks. Forklift Telescopic Lift Beam & Spreader Bar Combination

Despite having forklifts, chain hoists, and overhead cranes nearby, Curt the foreman wanted a quick and simple way to move items. He requested that one of Tandemloc's telescopic lift beams be fitted with forklift “shoes,” creating a versatile lifter, lift beam, and spreader bar combination that can be used in all three configurations.

The lifting device is also available to those who have similar needs. The lifter combo can be adjusted at 6-in. increments between 96 and 144 in. with lift capacity starting at 8 tons and decreasing to 5 tons as the beam length increases. The device is proof tested and certified to 125% of the WLL before delivery.


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