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AEM Elects Two New Directors | Construction News

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has elected David Koppenhofer, executive director of OEM sales and support for Cummins Inc., to the AEM board of directors, and has elected Scott Harris, vice president of Case Construction North America, CNH Industrial, to the AEM CE Sector board, to fill unexpired terms.

AEM is the North American-based international trade group representing manufacturers and suppliers of off-road equipment.

AEM officers and directors work on behalf of all member companies, giving their time and talent to provide strategic direction and guidance for the association's action in areas including public policy; market data; exhibitions; technical, safety, and regulatory issues; global business development; and education/training.

“At AEM, we benefit from the support of our member companies and the dedication of their representatives who serve in AEM leadership roles,” said AEM President Dennis Slater. “They help ensure Association programs continue to meet member and industry needs, and we appreciate David and Scott’s knowledge and participation.”

AEM membership comprises more than 900 companies and more than 200 product lines, and the association is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., with offices in the world capitals of Washington, D.C.; Ottawa, Canada; and Beijing, China.


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