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ANSI Approves Revised A92.2 Standard for Vehicle-Mounted Aerial Lifts | Construction News

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has approved the recently revised ANSI/SAIA A92.2-2015 standard for Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices. The standard was approved by the ANSI Board of Standards Review on June 26, 2015. Conforming parties have until June 2016 to comply with the standard.

"Upon the publication of A92.2 2015, I want to take this opportunity to thank each of members of the ASC A92 Main Committee and members of A92.2 Sub-Committee for their efforts in the standards development process," said Joshua Chard, a member of the ASC A92 Main Committee and Chairperson of the A92.2 Sub-Committee.

"In this instance we have achieved consensus after six years of thoughts, proposals meetings and vigorous debates. By our very process we recognize that standards are always a work in progress. However, at this point in time we have unanimously agreed that the proposed draft contains sufficient improvements to warrant its publication and the revision of A92.2 2009," Chard added. 

Chard went on to note that the updated standard represents a significant accomplishment that improves the interests of safety in the industry.

Information about how to purchase copies of the updated standard will be available soon. Updates can be found at www.saiaonline.org.

The SAIA serves as an ANSI-Accredited Standards Developer for the A92 Aerial Work Platform series of standards. To learn more about the A92 series of publications, or other ANSI items, please contact DeAnna Martin, A92 Liaison, at 816.595.4860 or deanna@saiaonline.org.


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