Cliff Dickinson, president of Crane Institute Certification (CIC) Governing committee, has announced that Brian S. Hope, CSP, corporate safety manager at Caldwell Tanks, Louisville, Ky., has been affirmed as a member of the CIC Governing committee. Members of the Governing committee have voting privileges as it relates to CIC policy issues.
"Brian Hope has served on other CIC advisory committees and is experienced in the workings of government and standards development. At this critical time in the industry, CIC is pleased to welcome Brian to the governing board," said Dickinson.
Brian Hope helps manage a team of safety professionals in general industry and construction, mine safety, and other state, federal, and local health and safety issues, and he oversees Caldwell Tanks' Crane and Derrick program. He is a certified crane operator, advanced rigger, and practical examiner through CIC. He currently serves on ASME's B30.6 and B30.7 sub-committees and has been a guest speaker at various industry group meetings and for the Georgia Tech OTI training courses.
Brian Hope is a past chairman of Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association's Safety and Health committee; he served on the Derrick Work Group for the C-DAC Cranes and Derricks Negotiated Rulemaking committee; and he served on the Georgia Department of Labor's Safety, Health and Environmental Conference advisory board.
"I am honored by the opportunity to serve on the CIC Governing committee. I look forward to serving such an amazing organization," said Hope.
In addition, Hope will serve on CIC's Public Awareness committee, which works closely with industry professionals, special interest groups, and government to educate the industry about the benefits of crane operator certification.
OSHA's recent announcement regarding a delay or possible suspension of the compliance date by which crane operators must be certified has the potential to cause great confusion in the industry. The Public Awareness committee, chaired by Tony Brown, will be working to provide answers and guidance to legislators and stakeholders, alike.
"A greater burden of proof is being placed on employers to determine the qualifications of an operator. Employers who hire operators with accredited certification by type and capacity of crane are better equipped to respond to the demands of potential customers and state or local governments," said Debbie Dickinson, executive director of CIC. "CIC certifications were based on type and capacity of crane long before the OSHA regulation was published because of the value it provides to employers and operators. Testing and certifying operators based on their ability to control the load helps employers know the skill level of an operator and allows operators to distinguish themselves," she said.