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ETS Introduces Signal Person Training

Equipment Training Solutions (ETS), Stratford, N.J., has introduced a CD-based signal person training program. Central to its instructional format are videos of correct signaling and animated examples of how the crane would respond to the signal. Both hand and voice signals for controlling mobile and tower crane operations are covered.

The program also discusses the limitations associated with crane operations, of which signalpersons must have a basic understanding. These include drift, deflection, and dynamic loading and unloading.

Information is in accordance with B30.5 and B30.3 standards and provides employers with materials designed to meet OSHA’s proposed regulation regarding signalperson qualifications.

“With the current B30.5 requirements and with OSHA’s proposed standard, I believe the industry is underestimating the impact signal person training and testing requirements will have,” said Larry DeMark Sr., program developer.

The program is available for $499 and includes the CD, instructor guide, and one complimentary student guide. Additional student guides can be purchased for $9.99 each. In addition, train-the-trainer programs are available or ETS will provide employee training.

For more information, visit www.equipmenttrainingsolutions.com.


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