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New Web Pages Highlight Rexroth High-Torque Vane Motor | Construction News

Bosch Rexroth has launched newly updated web pages about its family of Rineer high-torque hydraulic vane motors. 

Designed for demanding, rugged industrial and mobile applications requiring a unique hydraulic power profile, Rexroth’s Rineer vane motors provide high torque at both start and stall, and flat torque throughout the entire speed range.

The newly expanded pages at www.boschrexroth-us.com/rineer provide multiple resources to help OEMs and system designers investigate potential use of vane motor technology in equipment. 

The High-Torque Vane Motor Products page includes summaries of four models currently offered, with downloadable PDF datasheets containing complete product technical specifications.

A Vane Motor Technology page provides a full description of the patented vane-crossing-vane design that gives Rineer vane motors an optimum power-to-weight ratio. Informative graphics show cutaways of the vane motor’s interior, combined with step-by-step details on the motor’s key parts and functions, so that technical personnel can learn about the advantages vane motor technology offers.

There is also an Applications page that highlights mutliple systems where the rugged design and compact power supplied by vane motors is particularly effective, including use in augers, directional drills, and blast hole rigs for oil and natural gas exploration; power tongs for making and breaking pipe joints; and pumps and fan drives for construction equipment. 

Links are available to download the High-Torque Vane Motor brochure and to request technical assistance and specific information on Rineer Vane Motors.



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