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Product Safety, Training and Liability Issues are Focus of AEM Seminars

A new "Best Practices for Product Safety Leaders" introductory course and a specialized seminar track for training professionals are featured in the upcoming annual product safety & compliance seminar from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). Following the safety seminar is AEM's annual product liability seminar. The safety seminar will be held April 26-28; the liability seminar, April 29. Both will take place at the Westin O'Hare, Chicago, Ill.

The AEM product safety & compliance seminar provides an industry-wide forum for equipment manufacturing professionals to discuss issues involved in the design, manufacture and use of their products. The event is the only one of its kind designed by equipment manufacturers specifically for product safety professionals.

The Monday half-day "Best Practices for Product Safety Leaders" course will cover key aspects of the product life cycle and will be complemented by a two-day seminar track that expands on the detail of building a product safety leader. The specialized safety training track will focus on learning management systems, effective liaison with service technicians, use of simulators and hands-on simulator performance demonstrations.

Additional seminar safety modules will include discussion of the latest safety-related developments in global standards and regulatory issues; preparing manufacturers and retraining operators for the big changes in Tier 4 implementation; hydraulic safety; safety in new/complex technologies; and field campaigns/recalls.

Keynote speakers are former NASA astronaut Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, relaying her experiences with safety in space; and Michael Buchet of OSHA, with an overview of relevant agency programs (such as silica, trenching hazards and combustible dust) and potential regulations under development.

The one-day AEM liability seminar, "Lessons Learned in the Courtroom,” offers five real-life case studies from veteran trial attorneys with equipment industry experience. Each one-hour session will examine strategy development/implementation and results/lessons learned and will demonstrate the important contributions of a company's frontline litigation support personnel in successful case outcomes.

The AEM product safety & compliance and liability seminars are targeted to company management, product safety and quality managers, design engineers, technical writers, and research and development personnel as well as training, service and communication professionals involved in product support. They are geared to beginning as well as experienced industry professionals and are especially beneficial to small and medium-sized manufacturers with more limited internal resources. AEM's educational programming offers continuing education credits.

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