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Two Rexroth Service Centers Earn ISO-9001 Certification | Construction News

Two regional Bosch Rexroth Corporation mobile and industrial hydraulic service centers in Houston and Dallas, Texas, recently earned ISO 9001:2008 quality certifications.

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) the two facilities earned the certifications for the ability to provide enhanced customer satisfaction through the effective use of quality management and continuous improvement systems.

The certifications demonstrate that each facility's management system consistently provides products to meet customer needs and applicable regulatory requirements.

TÜV-SÜD America conducted the audit and did not register any major or minor findings in its certification, proving the high quality of these organizations.

Bosch Rexroth opened its Houston facility in 2013 as a center of excellence for the company’s activities in the marine and offshore industries. The facility is equipped with resources to develop custom drive and control solutions and offer technical and product support. In addition, the technology center provides state-of-the-art repair, warranty, and maintenance resources for hydraulic pumps and motors, large hydraulic cylinders, and hydraulic motors and systems from the company’s Hägglunds product range.

The company’s Dallas facility opened in 2009. It serves a broad range of industries, including oil and gas, refining, automotive, plastics, construction, agriculture, and steel manufacturing. The service center provides mobile and industrial hydraulics warranty service, field service, maintenance and repairs, and conversions for customers in the Southwest region.


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