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Clark Material Handling Company Introduces New Leadership Appointments

Clark Material Handling Company Introduces New Leadership Appointments

From left to right: Michael Binnie and Dennis Lawrence

CLARK Material Handling Company recently revealed new leadership appointments for the organization.

Dennis Lawrence, president and CEO of CLARK Material Handling Company, has been appointed to the company’s board of directors and will step down as president and CEO on July 1, 2024.

According to CLARK, he has made strong contributions as a key figure to YoungAn and the Baik Family for over 40 years.

In this new role, he will work with the owners on various new strategic projects within the business.

S.S. Baik, chairman of the CLARK Material Handling Board, said, “We are excited to have Dennis as part of this new team and look forward to growing the business together.”

With the above changes, CLARK Material Handling Company has appointed Michael Binnie as CEO. effective July 1, 2024.

Binnie is currently serving as COO of CLARK Material Handling.

“Mr. Binnie brings a wealth of business experience to the team, and we are looking forward to the continued growth of the brand,” said Baik.

Lawrence commented, “Mr. Binnie has proven his business acumen and leadership strength as COO of CLARK. As the business continues to grow, we have full confidence in Mr. Binnie’s ability to build on the success of the company.”

CLARK says 2023 was a record sales and revenue year for the company since the purchase of the organization by the Young An company in 2003.

Lawrence commented on the company’s success, “Our team has worked tirelessly for the past 20 years to rebuild a brand that we can all be proud of.

He said CLARK has endured many challenges with the downturn in the market between 2009 to 2011 and COVID-19 in 2020.

Lawrence continued, “Through it all, we have been successful in building a strong team with dedicated employees, dealers, and customers.”

Baik also commented on CLARK’s growth and said he and others in the company are already looking ahead to future plans for the organization.

“We had a vision for this business when we acquired the company, and we could not be more pleased with its growth. As we look to the future, we are now making plans to welcome the third generation of the family into this business. They will begin to shape the vison of the business for future generations,” said Baik.


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