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IPAF Launches New App for Powered Access Licenses and Qualifications

IPAF Launches New App for Powered Access Licenses and Qualifications

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) recently launched a new app, ePAL, for all new and existing IPAF license and qualifications holders. The app acts as a digital wallet, allowing users to store and share their IPAF powered access licenses and qualifications, including the PAL Card for mobile elevating work platform (MEWP) and mast climbing work platform (MCWP) and hoist operators. In addition, this same information for Competent Assessed Persons (CAP), MEWPs for Managers, Site Assessment (for MEWP Selection) can be added.

With this app, users can easily record their operating experience on powered access machines through the digital logbook, giving them an overview of the time spent operating multiple machines. The app also includes helpful information such as the latest powered access safety and best practice tips and operator/sites safety guides based on linked licenses.

Search IPAF ePAL' in the Apple Store for iOS or Google Play for Android to find the app.

"The introduction of ePAL and digital PAL Cards is another great integration of digital technology welcomed by VINCI Construction UK. As we embrace more digital technologies, we become many things; more sustainable; better connected, more engaging, and ultimately, efficient," said Alan Woodage, health and safety manager, Taylor Woodrow.

IPAF is committed to driving sustainable change in the industry. ePAL replaces the need for paper and plastic documents and licenses, conveniently bringing them together in one place. Operators' qualifications and experience can easily be recorded, stored, and shared.

The app is highly convenient for operators and their employers. Licenses, qualifications, and practical experience are easily shared from the operator's phone, giving peace of mind in light of safety and security. Digital PAL Cards are also fraud smart and benefit from the extra security provided by a mobile phone's log-in measures. ePAL provides operators with access to the latest safety information and best practices to help them be safer in their workplace.


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