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McLaren Industries Offers Semi-Pneumatic Tires for OEM and Retail Markets

McLaren Industries Offers Semi-Pneumatic Tires for OEM and Retail Markets

McLaren Industries reports its full range of Nu-Air semi-pneumatic tires is now available for OEMs and the retail market. Previously, only OEMs had access to its range of off-the-road tires. Today, manufacturers and users of backhoes, telehandlers, front-end loaders, wheel loaders, and wheeled excavators have access to these tires. 

“Originally skid-steer loaders and some backhoes were eligible for solid cushion tires,” said George Zafirov, marketing manager for McLaren Industries. “For years OEMs and equipment users have been reporting higher equipment productivity and reduced maintenance costs derived from the usage of such tires. The continuous positive results and the numerous inquiries about other tire sizes motivated McLaren’s R&D department to invest in new tire sizes, and apply the semi-pneumatic tire technology for heavy construction equipment as well.”

McLaren's Nu-Air tires feature the strength and stability of a solid tire with the cushioned ride of a pneumatic. They provide an alternative to foam-filled or solid tire and tire chains preferred by mining companies. The flat-proof technology eliminates the need for tire prevention, while the extra weight of the tires provides the stability that is crucial on any harsh terrain.

A variety of patterns are available, allowing customers to select the right tire for their type of terrain. Particularly unique is the RT pattern for size 20.5x25. It has been developed precisely for problematic surfaces, where rocks, scrap and debris give trouble to even the most experienced operators.






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