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New Video Series Eases HoistCam Installation

New Video Series Eases HoistCam Installation

NORFOLK, Va. - Netarus LLC launched a video series to ease self-installation and troubleshooting of its HoistCam remote camera monitoring systems.

Video topics include system startup instructions for HoistCam HC140, HC180, HC190, and WinchCam; mounting the monitor; setting up the MDVR for HoistCam Director; and troubleshooting Pan-Tilt-Zoom.

“I appreciated the instructions and flexibility illustrated in the detailed system diagrams, which helped in my product decision-making process,” said Randy Miller, Equipment Manager for F.A. Wilhelm Construction, a general contractor, construction manager, and design-builder headquartered in Indianapolis.

Beyond its easy-to-install capabilities, the HoistCam system is designed for harsh environments, such as a commercial construction site, and comes with a five-year warranty on hardware.

Customers can access the installation and troubleshooting videos by contacting their sales representative or customer service.

For more information, visit www.hoistcam.com.


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